Fibonacci Retracement

In technical analysis Fibonacci Tools is very popular tools for measuring Support and Resistance level of a given stock. When market is in trend Fibonacci retracement can give better result for measuring possible support & resistance level. When market goes up an investor can stay up to his Fibonacci Resistance level and when market goes down an investor can stay up to his Fibonacci Support level. For calculation Fibonacci Retracement at first need to find out the Swing High and Swing Low point. Look at the chart there are two points are available. One is swing high and another is swing low. Now a Fibonacci retracement can be drawn from swing low to swing high. See there are some possible level of support and resistance like 38.2%, 50.0%, 61.8% and 100%. So if the stock price goes down then these level will work as a possible support and if the price goes up then these level will work as a possible resistance. - See more at: